Wren Volunteer Opportunities
Our community relies on its great and wonderful volunteers. Here are some of the opportunities that exist if you would like to get more involved.
Contact WCC President: Vickie Nunnemaker at 541-929-3898 for more information.
Wren Hall upkeep and renovation: opportunities abound
Firewise Committee: Vickie Nunnemaker at 541-929-3898
Wren Fire & Rescue volunteers:
Contact Philomath Fire & Rescue at 541-360-0030
Or visit Philomath Fire (http://www.philomathfire.com)
Wren Book Club: Elizabeth Dodd at 541-609-8472
Roads Cleanup: Coordinator needed
Wren Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC): Karen Fleck Harding 541-929-6398 (kharding@peak.org)
Wren Emergency Planning & Phone Tree Network: Kim Webster
Wren History: Vickie Nunnemaker at 541-929-3898
Wren website: Jean Goul at 541-231-8871 (jeangoul@peak.org)
Wren Cemetery: Joe Whinnery at 541-602-8710 or (joew@peak.org)