Wren Community Club
The Wren Community Club (WCC) is a tax exempt non-profit organization 501(c)(3). The WCC's primary purpose is to foster community spirit in Wren and to provide a building that serves as the central location for community activities. An Email service, WrenCom is available to participating residents to announce local events, report lost animals or cougar sightings, or other pertinent information.
The WCC sponsors several regularly scheduled activities and events: monthly Book Club Meetings, Let It Flow annual fundraiser in May, and the Wren Holiday Artisan Fair. These events depend on available volunteer assistance to make them happen. Check the Events Calendar for more details.
In keeping with the historic quality of its efforts, the Wren Community Club established in the 1930's, has kept its original name. The WCC assures that membership is open to ALL Wren residents and property owners from the rural area of Wren. To join, Wren residents must submit a Membership Form and a one-time membership fee of 50 cents. The WCC holds elections for its Board of Directors, whose mission is to oversee the affairs of the organization, during the annual meeting. Monthly meetings (generally the 2nd Wednesday of the month) are open and welcome to the public. Check the Events Calendar for the time and date of the next meeting.
In 1938, the Raymond Investment Company donated 1.2 acres of land to the Wren Community Club to be used for community functions and basketball for the local school children. Neighbors and mill owners contributed lumber, time and talents to build the Wren Community Hall and is now registered as an historic building. For many years it was used as the local voting site and, until Spring, 2005, was used as the indoor horseshoe courts for regional players.
Joining the WCC:
To join the WCC, please print, fill out, and mail a Membership Form (.doc).
Legal Address: 23414 LaBare Road, Philomath, OR 97370
State Registry No: 054325-13
Tax Exempt No: 93-0364182
To join the WrenCom email service:
Contact Rob Siegel at: (chilekid@gmail.com) to request to have your email address added to receive infrequent important messages.